Colony Grill

It’s the place to go after a darty when you’re not ready to go back to campus. The place to show up wearing sweats on a weeknight or the perfect food to chow down before going out.

Colony Grill, loved by many, was first opened in Stamford, CT in 1935 and has now expanded to five locations, one of which is in NY.  It’s a go-to place in Fairfield for the typical pizza-loving college student providing budget-friendly good eats. I won’t lie, I was not the biggest fan of Colony when I first took a bite of the popular Fairfield pizza. Maybe it was just an off day for me, but now, I just can’t imagine not having Colony at least once a month. Compared to other pizzas, Colony is an thin, almost crisp pizza pie, one you could definitely finish in one sitting. Ordering at Colony is fairly simple, something I like a lot. The simplicity of the menu is reflected in Colony’s mission as well: to provide “simple enjoyment.” You can always go for the original cheese pizza at Colony, but with 12 additional toppings to choose from, Colony gives you the perfect opportunity to customize your pizza to your liking. I usually order half cheese, half mushroom. Colony’s specialty is their Hot Oil Pizza, a spicy, pepper infused oil topping, a popular favorite among Colony fans. Colony can also make gluten-free pizza! For those who like their greens, Colony offers a salad pizza as well. The last item you can get at Colony Grill is one I have yet to try, an option only available on the weekends, the breakfast pie. Made to order, you can choose from breakfast favorites like sausage and bacon (see the menu). With its notable brick interior, classic booths, and woodsy-industrial style, Colony Pizza is one place you need to visit if you haven’t already. As a FairfieldU favorite, it conveniently accepts stagcards and is right near the Stagbus stop at the bookstore. My friends and I find our way over to Colony whenever we are feeling a pick me up, a break from homework, or change of scenery. It’s a comfortable, relaxed, friendly place, always leaving you feeling satisfied. So go to Colony Grill with your friends, stack those phones off to the side, and enjoy the simplest of foods.

Enjoy & and thank me later

xo Liza

P.S. Come a bit earlier on Friday and Saturday nights––there’s usually a line and a wait if you come during the later part of the evening.


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